Birthday Thoughts

With almost thirty years in the health care field, I am all too familiar with the red, white, and blue card carried by Medicare beneficiaries. I never thought I’d see the day when I’d have my own.

Well, that day is today and represents a milestone in many ways. It is a time of great thanks for making it sixty-five years, and for the many blessings that have come my way. I have so much to be grateful for, including being able to walk in, sit at my computer, and type this column.

It is a time for reflection as I remember those friends and family who are no longer with us. That list keeps growing and seems to be surpassing the list of those present. As a good friend reminded me years ago, funerals are for the living, not for the departed. Good advice.

I’m amazed at the places I’ve been and the priceless memories I’ve collected. That is my treasure. I never dreamed a good ole boy from Macon, Georgia would have a list as rich as mine.

It is a time for hope, in spite of the toxic, partisan cloud that has enveloped our country. I’ve always been an optimist, hopefully wearing glasses tinted with realism. After all these years, I doubt I’m going to change.

Last, I begin to think about legacy. I reflect on all those in my life who’ve had such a positive impact on me. I hope I remembered to tell them. In over six decades on this earth, I hope that I’ve managed to do some good things to go with the many mistakes I’ve made.  And one day, I hope that someone remembers me in this way, for being a favorable influence in their life.

Nothing else a person could ask for. 

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