My latest novel, Treatment Plan, is now available at Blue Ridge Books and your favorite indie bookstore. It is also available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
Treatment Plan
The manuscript for my next novel, Treatment Plan, is with my editor. More info to follow soon!
Amelia Island Book Festival
Looking forward to Authors' Expo at Amelia Island Book Festival on Saturday, February 18, 2023. Hope to see you there!
Killer Nashville
Just returned from Killer Nashville, the first writing event I've attended in two years! Great to see old friends and make new ones, and as always, come back energized about writing. I was honored to be on two panels with fellow authors. The picture is of the panel with Linda…
May 1 Book Signing
So excited to do my first "in-person book signing" in over a year! And, the first for The Healing Tree. This Saturday, May 1, I'll be at Blue Ridge Books in Waynesville, NC from 1 PM to 2 PM. Hope to see you there.